Privacy Policy

Please read the privacy policy carefully, and learn about the practices in terms of protecting personal data and the information we collect, how and for purposes it is used, to whom it is disclosed, how it is safeguarded and how to access your personal data what we have. reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy when necessary to adapt, to a legal or technological change, or just to reflect certain changes made to our website. All updates to our Privacy Policy will be posted on this page. By continuing to use our site after making any changes, you are authorizing our use of your data as outlined in the new Privacy Policy. What Information We Collect We may collect certain personal data from users of our website, including their name, postal address, telephone number, email address, mobile phone number and credit card information. We also collect certain electronic data generated by your computer whenever you interact with our website. Why do we collect personal data? The reasons why we collect personal and electronic data are as follows: * To understand your needs and provide you with quality services (for example, to help us carry out efficient transactions, to offer the services or products you have purchased through our website). * To create, maintain, manage, market and provide products and services on our website. * To organize contests or other promotional activities. * To provide you with the latest information about, including our products, services, programs and promotions. How do we collect personal data? We receive and may store any personal data that the user enters on our website. For example, we collect the personal data you provide when you purchase tickets or other products from, when you register on our website, when you send us an email or call us, participate in contests or subscribe to newsletters. How do we collect electronic data? Whenever you visit certain pages on our website, our servers send "cookies". Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers transferred to your computer s hard drive via your web browser. Our servers also record your IP address (IP stands for Internet Protocol, a number used to locate the user in cyberspace). This electronic personal data is transmitted to us automatically. Cookies are stored for a limited period of time on your hard drive. Cookies allow us to retain important information regarding your use of our website, including the date of your last visit, the pages visited, the files transferred and the type of web browser used. Generally speaking, cookies help us to determine the number of people who visit our website and the frequency of their visits. They also allow us to customize content, respond to user requests for products and services, and keep you informed about new products. In this way, we can improve our website and the services available. If you do not want to receive cookies, the "help" function in the toolbar on most web browsers and will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to make it notify you whenever it receives new cookies and how to completely disable cookies. Important: Cookies allow you to take full advantage of the most important functions on our website, so we recommend that you leave them enabled. How we use, communicate and store your personal data We use the personal data collected through our website to respond to your requests regarding certain services, to help us carry out transactions efficiently, to send confirmations of requests for passports and/or other products and/or services requested or purchased through this website, to carry out quality guarantees, sales analysis and other commercial analysis, to contact the user regarding attractions for which he has purchased tickets, to confirm an attraction, to notify the user regarding to any changes to an event (including postponed and canceled events) and to send you specific information about We retain personal data only as long as it proves necessary or useful, or as required by law. We also create policies for the conservation and destruction of personal data whose conservation is not required by law. We may use your IP address and email address for a variety of purposes, including: * to estimate the number of people from certain regions or countries who have visited our site; * to solve problems related to Internet services indicated by our users or information technology managers; or * to send you information and updates on activities, benefits, promotional offers, products and services offered by or its sponsors. User Content License By uploading, posting or displaying content (photos, videos, comments etc), the user grants an irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate , publish, publicly distribute, publicly display. This license is extended to any of the companies associated with these or with whom they deal, third parties of interest to them. reserves the right to pre-select, review, tag, filter, modify, refuse or remove any or all Content received. Contact For any further clarification regarding our Privacy Policy and our treatment of the information we collect, please contact us By Clicking Here.